Public Annoucement

Game-changing technologies for aerospace competition:  Consolidation of property data for the life-cycle of a composite product (COMP-LIFE)

A conditional award has been made by Innovate UK for a Feasibility Study to investigate whether new developments in the ISO 10303 standards can consolidate digital engineering data from several stages in the life-cycle of a composite product into one verifiable source and provide an audit trail for the origins of all of this data over its life cycle. ISO 10303 standards provide open information models for the digital representation of engineering data that are independent from proprietary software and support interoperability between different software systems and the quality control and quality assurance for the information.  The main standard used for this Study will be ISO 10303-235 ‘Engineering properties and materials information’, developed by Ferroday Ltd.

The project will represent, in a standardised digital form, realistic examples of data from coupon tests, intermediate production stages, the completed product and NDE results from ultrasonic inspections.  The data will include the details of the product , the measurement processes and the results to provide a sample picture of a life cycle where each stage will have a different set of processes and relevant properties.

The new methods developed in this Feasibility Study will require changes to the processes for the management of data and changes to specifying the responsibilities and requirements from suppliers of test results and products.  The Study will develop recommendations for best practice to ensure that the benefits of these innovations can be effectively obtained.  The experiences of the technical and management aspects will form the basis for development of educational and training materials for the application of these new methods.  These materials will be developed as on-line tutorials on a dedicated web-site

The partners for the Feasibility Study and their representatives are:

Ferroday Ltd. (Lead partner), Birkenhead, Wirral, England.

Dr. Norman Swindells CEng FIMMM.  Managing Director, UK Materials Expert to ISO / TC 184/SC4, developer of ISO 10303-235.

Robert J. Swindells,  Technical Director, editor and developer of ISO 10303-45.

Axis Composites Ltd., Belfast, Northern Ireland

Dr. Alistair McIlhagger, Research and Commercial Director, Involved in the initiation and continuing development of the Northern Ireland Advanced Engineering Centre (NIACE).

Dr. Edward Archer, Technical Director, has worked on 3D woven composites structures and thermoplastic composites and has delivered training courses in composite materials to over 1000 Engineering staff on both sides of the Atlantic.

Wrexham Glyndwr University, Wales

 Prof. Alison McMillan CEng CPhys FInstP FIMechE FHEA, Professor in Aerospace Technology, Department of Applied Science, Computing and Engineering.  Leads research groups on Analytical Decision Making, and Computational Mechanics, Manufacturing Simulation and Design and Optimisation.

© COMP-LIFE Consortium, 2016

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