COMP-LIFE: WP 5 Data management and procedures

Within the COMP-LIFE project, Wrexham Glyndwr University’s most significant involvement is in WP5, entitled “Data management and procedures”.  This task has started and is due to report in June 2016.

WP Objectives

  • To develop procedures and recommendations on best practice for data management with ISO 10303.

Description of the work

  1. Literature and web search for review and related uses of ISO 10303 and BIM
  2. Comparison of review of related situations with requirements for design ad manufacture of composite products
  3. Identification of costs, benefits and requirements for the adoption of ISO 10303 methods and technologies for composite products

Initial thoughts

I visited the ISO standards website, with a view to finding out how the standards are managed as a whole, and to download and read some of the relevant standards within the ISO 10303 area.  I’ve been particularly directed to view ISO 10303-45 and ISO 10303-235.

The ISO website seems to have been designed for those who know what they are looking for: it’s not for the faint-hearted.  The most recent standard for ISO 10303-45 is ISO 10303-45:2014, but this is not published here yet.

I’m left thinking that if a standard is supposed to help all practitioners to work together to the same format, then that standard needs to be more effectively communicated.  There is a long way to go yet!

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