COMP-LIFE Project is Launched

COMP-LIFE is an Innovate UK feasibility project, focusing on data modelling and data interoperability for composite materials.  The idea is to be able to capture all forms of data: shape parametric data, test data, inspection and NDT data, measured at any point in the component’s life.  The launch meeting was held on Monday 18th April.

The project lead is an SME  called Ferroday,  which specialises in material data modelling and data systems.  There are two other partners: Axis Composites – an SME  spinout from Ulster University’s composites research group, and Wrexham Glyndwr University‘s Analytical Decision Making Research Group.

Feasibility projects are short studies, in this case six months, with a view to applying for a more substantial project later in the year.  The more substantial project would normally be compromised of more partners,  and we looking now to engage with Tier 1 companies, composite supply-chain manufacturing companies, companies specialising in composite testing, the Catapult network, and any other interested parties which have an interest in the COMP-LIFE aspirations.

Please follow our blogs over the coming months, or get in touch directly.

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